Posts Tagged ‘Granite City’

DISCLAIMER: Ride of the Century is an annual event done in September – the actions that some of the riders do are illegal and should never be attempted.  This ride even draws the professional stunt bike riders to take part.  This post was made to warn the truckers and normal people about this event and the potential dangers.

To start, we will show the video one of the admins shot with the cell phone of the MoDOT live feed camera as the ride made the way across the bridge around 14:35 on September 5:

While this video does not do justice, there are riders popping wheelies and other showboating actions, especially from the ones at the front of the pack.  Despite the quality of the camera, this has been a popular post with over 200 shares.  After spending two days camping social media for videos and photos along with the other admin, the videos will be shared below. (The other admin is going through his own footage from the ride and has not released anything at this time.)

Most of the videos currently out there right now are either poor quality or where shot from the rear of the pack.

This video skip to the 7:30 mark, as the riders begin to make their way on 270 from Route 3.  There is a blue minivan taking photos with all the side door and rear trunk door open at some point in this video, which is a very unsafe practice.

This one is not a good quality, and it appears that the riders were at the rear of the pack of approximately 1000 bikes.

Instagram, however, had a couple good photos of the showboating going on:

The last one was disturbing, with an incident at Lilac involving a botched wheelie.  This just underscores on how dangerous the ride is, given the large number of tractor-trailers that use this section of 270. While there is no other large scale stuntbike ride that use this section of 270 like the Ride of the Century, it is possible for the rest of the motorcycle season to encounter small groups of 2-10 riders pulling off dangerous tricks.  (Last year one of the admins caught two bikers in the act of pulling off wheelies but was not able to get photo proof.)

Update 20:14, 9/9/15: Additional footage is now coming in and it is very shocking. (Also corrected embedding errors with Instagram posts, it should view properly now.)

That post has been trending on Instagram for the past day.

It is not as shocking as this:

Another view of the same stunt:

The rider in those two images is a professional with past stunts on 270 down the road in North County earning over million views on YouTube.

Edit 22:25 9/26/15:  Additional footage has been released on YouTube this week.

That image is of the rider that crashed just west of the Lilac Exit based on this YouTube video below:

Before the YouTube video of one of the big stunts is revealed, there is another Instagram post that needs to be shared:

This video been slowly gaining a lot of views in just the past week since it was released. NOTE:  This girl is a professional stunter.